Negative: ESSEX (1936) berthed on wharf Waitematā Harbour, 22 Jul 1937

Wharton, Eric (d.1979)
Production date
22 Jul 1937
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Object detail

Black and white image from a film negative showing ESSEX (1936) berthed on wharf, on Waitematā Harbour, 22 July 1937.
Accession number
Museum System ID
Collection type
Maker and role
Wharton, Eric (d.1979): Photographer
Black and White Negative: 0 - Whole
Measurement details
2D objects (HxW): H 60 W 40mm: 0 - Whole
On display?
Not on display
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Public comments

She is nicely loaded and would have been new in this photograph. The ESSEX has a special place in my heart as my first trip to sea was on her last voyage. She was built 1936 as ESSEX. January 1941 she sailed on a Malta convoy and reached Malta, but on 16 Jan 1941 was bombed while unloading. 16 of the crew were killed. 7 Mar 1941 and 12 Apr 1942 she was hit by further bombs. She was still a valuable ship and in Jul 1943 temporary repairs were made. ESSEX was towed to Britain, repaired and Nov 1944 returned to service. 1946 she was transferred to P&O Australia service, renamed PARINGA. 1955 returned to Federal as the NORFOLK. 12 May 1962 she left Liverpool on her last voyage, and after discharge on the New Zealand coast, went to Yokosuka in Japan for scrapping.

- Tony Millatt posted 2 years ago.

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